Core statements

class metapensiero.sqlalchemy.proxy.core.ProxiedQuery(query, metadata=None)

Specialize base.ProxiedBase to deal with SQLAlchemy core statements.

An instance of this class wraps a standard SQLAlchemy query, either a selectable or an updateable. When called it applies the arguments filtering or changing the original query, calling it and returning the results set.

__init__(query, metadata=None)

Initialize the proxy.

  • query – the SA statement (currently only SELECTs)
  • metadata – a dictionary, containing extra information about fields: when possibile, these info are collected from the SA definition (each field has a info dictionary); for computed fields when the returned value does not correspond to a physical field, or simply to override/expand such information on a per query basis, you may pass an additional dictionary of values, keyed on the field name.
filterQueryWithArgs(session, conditions, args)

Apply filter conditions to the query.

conditions, if specified, is a list of SQLAlchemy expressions to be applied as filters to the query, using the AND operator.

The query gets then massaged by filters.apply_filters(), further filtered and modified as specified by the args dictionary.

Return the altered query.


Return the selected columns.

getCount(session, query)

Execute a query to get the actual count of matching records.

getMetadata(query, countslot, resultslot, successslot)

Augment superclass implementation with primary key name.

Beware, this implements a rather simplicistic heuristic such that it identifies only the primary key of the first table involved in the query: in other words, it assumes that the primary key fields come as early as possible in the list of columns.

getResult(session, query, asdict)

Execute the query in the given session, returning the result.

If asdict is True return a list of dictionaries, one for each row, otherwise return the SQLAlchemy resultset (as returned by .fetchall()).