Abstract base class

class metapensiero.sqlalchemy.proxy.base.ProxiedBase

Abstract base for the proxy thingie.

__call__(session, *conditions, **args)

Apply filter conditions, execute the query and return results.

  • session – an SQLAlchemy Session
  • conditions – a list of SQLAlchemy expressions
  • args – a dictionary
Return type:

depending on the arguments, either a dictionary, a list of tuples or a JSON string

The first argument is the SQLAlchemy session, mandatory. All remaining arguments are eventually used to filter and change the query. Unused arguments remains accessible when the query is finally called.

Some keyword arguments have special meaning:

This is the start of the interested range of records
This is the maximum number of returned records

When False or None (or the strings "False", "None" and "false") means that no result set will be returned (reasonably either metadata or count are given); when True (or the strings "True" and "true"), most of the other options are ignored and only the native Python results is returned; otherwise it’s a string, the name of the slot of the returned dictionary containing the results set.

True by default.


If result is not True, this is a string used as the name of the slot containing execution status, that will be a boolean flag, True to indicate successfull execution, False otherwise.

By default it’s "success".


If result is not True, this is a string used as the name of the slot containing execution message, that will either "Ok" when everything went good, otherwise a string with a possible reason of the failure.

By default it’s "message".

If result is not True, this may be a string used as the name of the slot containing the total number of records that satisfy the conditions, ignoring the eventual range specified with start and limit. When False or None (the default) the count won’t be computed.

If result is not True, this may be the name of the slot containing a description of the result. See getMetadata() for details.

None, the default, disables the feature.

When you want to deal with plain Python dictionaries, one for each row, instead of the standard SQLAlchemy resultset, set this to True. False by default.

All these keywords are pulled (that is, removed) from the execution context of the query.

filterQueryWithArgs(session, conditions, args)

Apply filter conditions to the query.

  • session – an SQLAlchemy Session
  • conditions – a list of SQLAlchemy expressions
  • args – a dictionary
Return type:

either a core SQL statement or an ORM query


Return the columns of the given query.

getCount(session, query)

Execute a query to get the actual count of matching records.

getMetadata(query, countslot, resultslot, successslot)

Description of the result.

  • query – an SQLAlchemy Query
  • countslot – a string or None
  • resultslot – a string or None
  • successslot – a string or None
Return type:

a dictionary

For each selected field in the query, this method builds a dictionary containing the following keys:

the name of the field
the type of the field
the localized header for the field
a longer description of the field, also localized
the size in characters, for String columns
the scale of the number, for Numeric columns

These dictionaries are collected in a list, called fields.

The information about each field is extracted by two sources:

  1. self.metadata, a dictionary keyed on field names: each slot may be either a dictionary or a callable accepting the field name as parameter and returning the actual dictionary
  2. field column info, either a dictionary or a callable accepting the field name as parameter and returning the actual dictionary

Also the value of any single slot in the information dictionary may be either a scalar value or a callable accepting two parameters, the name of the field and the name of the slot, returning the actual scalar information, for example:

def birthdate_info(name):
    return {
        'min': date(1980, 1, 1),
        'max': lambda fname, iname: date.today()

persons = Table('persons', metadata,
                Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                Column('firstname', String,
                       info=dict(label="First name",
                                 hint="The first name of the person")),
                Column('lastname', String),
                Column('birthdate', Date, info=birthdate_info),
                Column('timestamp', DateTime),
                Column('smart', Boolean, default=True),
                Column('somevalue', Integer),
                Column('title', Title),
                Column('WeirdFN', String, key='goodfn'),

The value coming from proxy’s metadata takes precedence over the one from the column’s info.

Both dictionaries can contain any arbitrary extra slots that the caller may use for whatever reason.

With the exception of name, everything can be overridden by self.metadata.

Given the table above and the following proxy:

pc = persons.c
query = select([pc.id, pc.firstname, pc.lastname, pc.birthdate])
meta = dict(lastname=dict(label='Last name',
                          hint='Family name of the person',
proxy = ProxiedQuery(query, meta)

the call proxy(Session(), result=False, limit=0, metadata='meta') returns something like:

  'message': 'Ok',
  'meta': {
    'fields': [{
        'align': 'right',
        'hidden': True,
        'hint': '',
        'label': 'Id',
        'name': 'id',
        'nullable': False,
        'readonly': True,
        'type': 'integer'
      }, {
        'hint': 'The first name of the person',
        'label': 'First name',
        'length': 10,
        'name': 'firstname',
        'nullable': True,
        'type': 'string'
      }, {
        'hint': 'Family name of the person',
        'label': 'Last name',
        'length': 10,
        'name': 'lastname',
        'nullable': False,
        'type': 'string'
      }, {
        'hint': '',
        'label': 'Birthdate',
        'max': datetime.date(2017, 1, 11),
        'min': datetime.date(1980, 1, 1),
        'name': 'birthdate',
        'nullable': True,
        'type': 'date'
      }, {
        'hint': '',
        'label': 'Smart',
        'name': 'smart',
        'default': True,
        'type': 'boolean'
      } ...
    'primary_key': 'id',
    'success_slot': 'success'
  'success': True
getResult(session, query, asdict)

Execute the query in the given session, returning the result.

  • session – an SQLAlchemy Session
  • query – an SQLAlchemy Query
  • asdict – a boolean

If asdict is False then this should return either a ResultProxy (for SQL selects) or a list of entities (when the query is at the ORM level), otherwise they should be translated into a list of dictionaries.

prepareQueryFromConditionsAndArgs(session, conditions, args)

Extract special meaning keyword arguments and return them, with a filtered query.

  • session – an SQLAlchemy Session
  • conditions – a list of SQLAlchemy expressions
  • args – a dictionary
Return type:

a tuple of 12 values


Stub implementation of l10n basic function, to be overridden.